Welcome to the Love Simpler Members community. You’ll always be welcome here if you’re honest, kind and respectful to others. If you choose not to be, you may not last. We consider unwanted sexual Content and messages to be sexual harassment. Our goal is to allow users to express themselves freely as long as it doesn’t offend others. Everyone is held to the same standard on Love Simpler.
- When sending messages, consider what you would say to someone who you just met at the meeting point.
- When uploading photos, consider if the same pose or outfit would be appropriate in public.
- When creating a profile, consider if you’d feel comfortable having a family member or friend read it.
Below are our community guidelines and moderation standards. If you see anyone violating these guidelines, please report them to us immediately.
Nudity/Sexual Content
Please No nudity, no sexually explicit content, and don’t chronicle all of your sexual desires in your bio. If your profile is reported to us as sexually explicit or offensive, it will be banned. Keep it clean. Thanks in Advance.
Do not engage, or encourage others to engage, in any targeted abuse or harassment against any other user. This includes sending any unsolicited sexual content to your matches. Reports of stalking, threats, bullying, or intimidation, are taken very seriously. Messages should be respectful, appropriate, honest, and kind. Additionally, the profile content itself should also be respectful and kind.
Violence and Physical Harm
We do not allow any violent content in photos, profiles, or messages. We do not tolerate violent, graphic, or gory content on Love Simpler Platform, or any actions or content that advocates for or threaten violence of any sort, including threatening or promoting terrorism. Physical assault, coercion, and any acts of violence are strictly prohibited. Content that advocates for or glorifies suicide or self-harm is also not allowed. In these situations, we may take several steps to assist the user, including reaching out with crisis resources.
Hate Speech
Any content that promotes, advocates for, or condones racism, bigotry, hatred, or violence against individuals or groups based on factors like (but not limited to) race, ethnicity, religious affiliation, disability, gender, age, national origin, sexual orientation, or gender identity is not allowed. There is no space for hate in a place where you’re looking for love.
Private Information
Don’t publicly broadcast any private information, yours or anyone else’s. This includes social security numbers, passports, passwords, financial information or unlisted contact information, such as phone numbers, email addresses, and home/work addresses.
Profile names and text
We consider your profile’s display name and your profile text to be similar to a first message or first impression to other members of the site: we expect both to be respectful and appropriate. If your profile text or name could be seen as offensive, hateful, obscene, or trolling, we will take action, up to and including banning your profile immediately.
Don’t be fake. Be real instead. Don’t use Love Simpler to drive people to external websites via a link or otherwise.
Prostitution and Trafficking
Promoting or advocating for commercial sexual services, human trafficking or other non-consensual sexual acts is strictly prohibited and will result in your account being banned from Love Simpler.
A detailed list of photo rules here :
- Photos should include your face (profile photo album), or pictures you’ve taken (elsewhere).
- We do not allow any photos with nudity or explicitly sexual content.
- We also do not allow any hateful imagery. This will get you banned. Any photos of anything overly violent, offensive, illegal, disturbing, or otherwise inappropriate for a dating site will be removed and may also get you banned.
- Photos with contact information on them (including phone number, email address, etc) will be removed. Repeated violations of this rule or other suspicious behaviour may also result in the profile being banned.
- Photos of you as a kid, or of your kids but without you in the photo as well will be removed.
- Finally, we will remove any image where the copyright holder has asked to have it removed, or where we strongly suspect the user is not the copyright holder.
- For multiple offences or extreme cases, profiles may also be banned and removed.
Be yourself! Don’t pretend to be someone else.
You must be 18 years of age or older to use the Love Simpler Web platform. As such, we do not allow images of unaccompanied minors. If you want to post photos of your children, please make sure that you are in the photo as well. If you see a profile that includes an unaccompanied minor, encourages harm to a minor, or depicts a minor sexually or suggestively, please report it immediately.
Contact information
We do not allow anyone to post private information for public display, including their private information. Don’t give your phone number out too quickly.
One Person, One Account
Love Simpler accounts cannot have multiple owners, so don’t create an account with your friend or significant other. Additionally, please don’t maintain multiple Love Simpler accounts. We do not tolerate any kind of fake accounts on Love Simpler. Your profile must be you and must be for relationship-seeking purposes only. Creating a fake account will be banned.
we value our community and strive to create a safe and welcoming environment for everyone. We ask that all members respect our community guidelines and contribute to a positive and supportive community. We appreciate your cooperation in maintaining a respectful and authentic community. Please help us by reporting by mail roalinusa@gmail.com anything or anyone that does not follow our community guidelines.